
What our clients have to say worldwide.

Local Testimonials

Kia Ora Aesthetics

Soprano ICE

Shivanie Naidoo

Owner, The Laser Studio

International Testimonials


Michael H. Gold, MD, FAAD
Board Certified Dermatologist,
Nashville, TN

ClearLift is about using Q-switched laser technology in a different manner, delivering lower energies in multiple sessions for results without discomfort or downtime.”

“The great thing about Harmony XL is that it’s designed to be customized to your skin’s condition”.

“iTED and IMPACT technology solves the challenges of trans-epidermal delivery by applying reverse pressure within the micro-channels, overcoming the blockage of intra-cellular fluid and forcing the active agents through. It is among the most important breakthroughs in aesthetic technology.”

“I suspect the technique will become a major player when addressing skin conditions such as hydration and tone.”

“Alma, as the first fractional Q-Switched laser, is highly effective for treating various degrees and depths of pigmented lesions resulting in lighter and unblemished skin.”

“In my practice we found that both the BiPolar and UniPolar modules of the AccentXLi system have increased skin tightening of the neck, and face. Unlike similar technologies we have used, the AccentXL has shown results for virtually all of my patients.”

Moshe Lapidoth M.D.
MPH Dermatologist, Director of the Laser Unit,
Rabin Medical Center, Herzelia Pituach, Israel Vice President of the European Society for
Laser Dermatology (ESLD)

“Facial contouring is a fast growing sector in dermatology and medical aesthetics, and I believe Alma Lasers Accent Ultra V is one of leaders for this niche procedure. The combination of their proprietary Shear Waves and UniPolar technology is unique and promising.

In the past I used the EXCIMER laser for vitiligo and psoriasis with good clinical results. Now I use the handheld EXCIMER 308 system because it is much more convenient and gives me the same clinical results.

Treating patients with acne vulgaris using the unique Er:Glass 1540 laser supported with vacuum and cooling, proved to be effective- showing significant improvement with no side effects.”


KeeLee Tan, MD,
Rejuvenate Clinic, Perth, Western Australia

Harmony XL is an advanced protocol for skin rejuvenation. Used with the fractional, non-ablative Q-Switched laser and the fractional ablative iPixelEr laser, Laser360iQ is a simple to perform protocol that quickly and effectively turns back the clock on aged skin.”

“The industry has been exposed to many dual technology systems, with most of them failing. I look for proven immediate and long-term results, and ClearLift with HarmonyXL has given me those results.”

“Alma’s impedance matching technology delivers maximum RF energy to the tissue. Combined with unique depth control technology, the energy is concentrated in the sub-dermal area, leaving the epidermis preserved. It is safe and easy to use.”

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